How Linqx optimizes oil and gas efficiency

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Case Studies

Welcome to our collection of case studies at LINQX.

Here, we showcase real – world success stories that highlight how our cutting – edge digital solutions have transformed operations within the oil and gas industry. Each case history provides a detailed look at our clients’ challenges, the innovative solutions we implemented, and the impactful results achieved. Discover how LINQX can drive success and efficiency in your operations through these compelling examples.

Case Study: Acid Stimulation Evaluation & Recommendation to Improve Well Productivity in Deep Well Completed at the GOM

Each case history provides a detailed look at our clients’
challenges, the innovative solutions we implemented, and
the impactful results achieved.

Discover how LINQX can drive success and efficiency in
your operations through these compelling examples.

Features Case Studies


Acid Stimulation Evaluation & Recommendation to Improve Well Productivity in Deep Well Completed at the Gulf of Mexico

Analysis suggests increasing acid volume and adding a diversion stage could boost productivity by 400%, maximizing hydrocarbon recovery.


A unique approach to each fracture ensures appreciable increases in per
- well recoveries

We have developed a unique and fully interconnected strategy to customize individual frac stages by exploiting readily available mud log data response and historic al frac data analysis to quantify permeabilities and reservoir quality throughout the lateral.


Acting on modeling insight more than doubles gas production
- Marcellus Shale

Data - driven analysis prompts completion modification delivering an additional 270,000 MCF peak month production


Effectively measuring propped fracture geometry in challenging unconventional wells

We help detect fracture height in challenging well conditions and restrictive HSE environment.


Engineered completion optimization process increases production

Third generation optimized completion design with more contact and conductivity engineered utilizing low - density ceramic proppant delivers higher production and greater economic value.


EQUIPMENTGUARD durability, versatility key to custom GPU containment installation

Our modular base pads install easily, provide long - term protec tion of critical equipment and solve a flame arrester issue in tight containment space.


Increasing short - and long - term dry gas production
— Haynesville Shale

Low - density ceramic proppant increases conductivity under hot, high - stress conditions.


Modeling results increase productivity in multiphase fracture flow
— Bakken

Field trial shows low - density ceramic proppant delivers higher conductivity and value than alternatives.


New take on stimulations to maximize asset value
- Eagle Ford

Study confirms normalizing cluster count, injection rates keys to enhancing production.


Onsite diagnostics helps net $1.7 million savings
— Eagle Ford

Reinforces value of step - down tests, analytical expertise in identifying and eliminating complications.


Optimized fracture program increases production, lowers costs in tight of fshore pay zone

Higher conductivity of low - density ceramic proppant helps improve economics of challenging reservoir.


Optimizing stage spacing in a vertical well
— Utah, USA

We help determine if fractures are growing past packers.