Divi Supreme Circle Info Module

The Divi Supreme Circle Info Module helps you create beautiful, interactive circle information in Divi. You can use it to display important information about your business, service, or product in an engaging way. The module is easy to use and comes with a variety of customization options. With the Divi Supreme Circle Info Module, you can create a unique and informative way to present your business or product.

Demo #1

Circle Infos Made Easy!

Easily Create Info Circles in Divi Without Hassle!

The Supreme Circle Info Module for Divi is the perfect way to easily create info circles in your Divi layout. With this module, you can quickly and easily add text, images, and call to action buttons to create an engaging and informative circle. Plus, the module is super easy to use and configure, so you’ll be up and running in no time!

Demo #2

Text + Icon

Info Circles with More Info – Show Text & Icon!

If you want to show more info and have text and icons appear at the same time, then you need Info Circles. Info Circles is a great way to display information in a creative way that will engage your audience. This Module is perfect for events, presentations, or anytime you want to add some visual interest to your info.

Demo #3

Stunning team

Meet Our Amazing Team, That Work Behind the Bars

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Demo #4

Autoplay circle Info

Taste the Amazing Food

Dolore nulla aliquip laborum elit nostrud ea elit officia nostrud ex anim eu ullamco. Ad pariatur pariatur reprehenderit tempor exercitation irure pariatur pariatur consectetur. Pariatur irure aliquip laborum mollit officia. Sint est labore eiusmod duis incididunt cillum id mollit incididunt quis ullamco irure esse occaecat et. Labore deserunt sunt ut ad enim id aute irure esse deserunt occaecat veniam.

Demo #5

Hover trigger

Let’s Plan a Trip Together –
And Travel the World!

Dolore nulla aliquip laborum elit nostrud ea elit officia nostrud ex anim eu ullamco. Ad pariatur pariatur reprehenderit tempor exercitation irure pariatur pariatur consectetur. Pariatur irure aliquip laborum mollit officia. Sint est labore eiusmod duis incididunt cillum id mollit incididunt quis ullamco irure esse occaecat et. Labore deserunt sunt ut ad enim id aute irure esse deserunt occaecat veniam.

Amazing Features You’ll Absolutely Love!

The Divi Supreme Circle Info Module is one of the most amazing and useful Module you’ll absolutely love. With this Module, you can easily display important information about your business in a circle format. This module is perfect for businesses that want to showcase their contact information, address, or other important details.

Completely Customizable

Every things is easily Customizable from within the Module Settings.

AutoPlay Circle Infos

You can enable this option to Autoplay the Circle Info and set a custom delay & speed.

Hover & Click Trigger

Choose Whether you want to change content on Circle Item Click or on Hover.

Content Animations

Choose from 30+ Different Content Animations for when you change the Content.

Use Icon/Image

If you want, you can also use Image or Icon for more control.

Add Unlimited Items

Add as many Items as you want to show more content in one place, but stay in limit!